Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.~Corey Ford
I have been wanting to find a place to volunteer Malachi as a therapy dog. This has been laid upon my heart for many months. We plan on going to our training later this month. I have decided to go through Delta Society. I am excited to find, yet another way to witness how Christ is living in me by dedicating my time, not only to an animal, but allowing Malachi to bring comfort to people who are hurting.
We adopted "Elmo", now Malachi, as a puppy from Doberman Rescue of North Texas in September 2009. I appreciated the process of the program choosing me, rather than me choosing Malachi. They required an application and Sunday visits to ensure that we were the best match for Malachi.
Malachi, being a Doberman, sometimes receives a bad reputation. Watch the media and children's movies. Which dog is on the bad side usually? Which was ironic to see in "Beverly Hills Chihuahua", because we also have a Chihuahua,Smarshmellow, that runs the house.
Being the parent of a small child and owning a small dog, it was important to find the right Doberman with the right personality.
Malachi is a gentle dog that only wants to cuddle with everyone. Even his little big Chihuahua sister. He is an intelligent and obedient dog that catches on to new tricks all of the time. His recall is phenomenal and we never have to worry about him leaving our side. He does have a watchful eye, as he protects his family, but he is loving to all.
I am blessed to call Mallie mine.
Click on the following links for helpful resources
Doberman Rescue of North Texas