Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in."
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Be Still
"Even our painful realizations of sinfulness are to mortify us into new life." ~Beth Moore
"I made You promises a thousand times
I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time
I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all"
The lyrics above burn in my mind a recent and very important, very intense conversation about God. The conversation was with someone I have loved, continue to love, and will always love.
The conversation was about God and Christians being hypocrites. Of me being a hypocrite. Of me being a sinner. And this was just a snapshot of all the opportunities I passed up by not living out my beliefs.
So, what do I know of holy? What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1 John 1:8-9
I know the truth. My unholiness has caused me to surrender and begin the holiness of God in me. God has already saved me. I have accepted His gift of salvation. I accept His mercy and grace. I will strive to be more like Him everyday because I believe. I believe Jesus died for my sins.
Jesus answered, " I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Please forgive me for not always shining His light through my actions and in my words. I am set free. I will shine this little light of mine. :)
Know although people make mistakes, God does not. He is infinite in wisdom and far above our understanding. Everything has, does, and will continue to work according to His plan.
The following is a great article on hypocrisy in the Church.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Heather's Hurricanes and Healing

Why? The one word I will never have all the answers to because some things will never be known here on this earth. And honestly, this frustrates me so much sometimes. I am frustrated not only when I suffer heartaches, but I am also deeply saddened when my beloved friends and family suffer.
When life happens, and it always does, we want answers. And sometimes we will get the answers quickly and sometimes it will come to us slowly. And sometimes the answers are already there but we refuse to accept what God is telling us to be true. We sometimes refuse to believe the truth, even when it is staring us right in the face.

Answers To Your Questions
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Death To Self and Living In Christ

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Best Teaching Method: Model The Lesson
Please forgive me for thinking judgmental thoughts.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Four Letter Word....PRAY

Sunday, August 8, 2010
God Is Love Even in Our Pain

My advice to others, and a reminder to myself, is we need to be patient with our loved ones when they are going through pain. And not just with our loved ones, but with strangers, in that we have NO idea what they are going through. Because while I had to visit numerous doctors and attend work related staff development workshops, I also had to move out of my house due to flooding, and adding salt to wounds, a very significant person in my life rejected his need for me in his life. So, when we get frustrated with someone, we need to remember the possibility of unseen trials and tribulations that might be consuming them.
Now of course the MESS became my MESSAGE. Thankfully, my pain eventually went away and my health is normal. Because of moving, I was able to spend more time with my beloved family. And rejection was God's protection. I learned the hard way the importance of taking care of myself, but I am blessed because I am physically and spiritually stronger, which is EXACTLY what God wants for me. For you. For us to experience spiritual growth during blessings and trials. I am becoming physically stronger by eating healthier and training for triathlons, which eliminates stress in my mind and in my body. And spiritually, I am reminded of the need to be patient with others. I can only maintain patience through love and the love of Jesus.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The Power of Love Moves Us
I’ve been a walking heartache. I’ve made a mess of me. The person that I’ve been lately, ain’t who I wanna be. But you stay here right beside me. Watch as the storm goes through. And I need you.
God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I’ve lost my way. There are no words here left to say, it’s true. God gave me you.
There’s more here than what were seeing. A divine conspiracy. That you, an angel lovely could somehow fall for me. You’ll always be love’s great martyr. Ill be the flattered fool and I need you.
God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I’ve lost my way. There are no words here left to say, it’s true. God gave me you.
On my own I’m only Half of what I could be. I can’t do without you. We are stitched together and what love has tethered I pray we never undo.
God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. God gave me you for the ups and downs. God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I’ve lost my way. There are no words here left to say, it’s true. God gave me you, gave me you. Gave me you.
I love this song because the lyrics demonstrate the power of love between, not just a husband and wife, but between family and friends.
Our Guide

So, as for AMTC, it was one of those situations where I received a signal.
Kayleigh and I both did get a callback the very next morning from an agent. He told me enthusiastically, that we both scored high in modeling, commercial print and TV, and I scored high in a third category, singing. Of course, this would come at a price where we would have to pay to go through their school, which would prepare us for seeing all of the agents that would be at the convention. Which, I understand the logic behind the school because if Kayleigh and I were to go in front of different agencies, we would not be prepared. However, initially, AMTC was not advertised as a school. If AMTC were advertised as a school on the radio, they probably wouldn't have received the initial turnout that they did. And, I really wonder how many people were called back.
For me personally, this was a red signal. Which is a NO from God. And unfortunately many times I have ignored the red signals and have suffered tremendously for going through them. I have also suffered from not YIELDING to God, and waiting on his timing, because I rush things sometimes, wanting it now, now, now. And then I have suffered from not paying attention to the GO signal, in which I have seen many opportunities pass me by.
God knows our heart and knows what is best for us. He has a perfect plan for our lives. It is important to know the Holy Spirit intimately so we can hear him and see the signals as they come. I am ready to STOP, YIELD, and GO whenever God tells me!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What is your opinion? Do you consider this a scam? Read on to see if we got a callback!!

Yesterday Kayleigh and I, along with my Momma, went to the Hyatt in Dallas to audition Kayleigh for commercials or modeling.
We did not have ANY expectations, as we went to have fun, and to see what they would say, or how far she could really go. We were aware that the audition may not have been a "scam", but they would probably try to sell us something. We heard about Actors, Models, and Talent for Christ (AMTC) through 94.9 KLTY. They advertised AMTC auditions, which you had to register online in order to get into the audition.
When we arrived at the hotel, registration was set up and they took a picture of Kayleigh I had blown up, and they raved about her looks, eyes, and personality. AMTC has a pleasant staff that was ready to answer any questions and make you feel at ease.
When we first got to the audition, we were given a speech by Carey Lewis Arban, and were shown videos of success stories of AMTC graduates. Recent graduates were also present to tell us about how fabulous their time at AMTC was, while not everyone received a callback, some did, while one was able to get on "Brothers and Sisters". So, I decided to audition my voice. Yes, I can sing. :) Overall the speech was persuasive and seemed genuine. Why wouldn't it be genuine? Isn't this a company that strives and thrives on Biblical principles? After all their motto is "Pursue the Dream God Provides". Hmmm...well this is where we realize, this isn't an agency, it is a modeling/acting/talent SCHOOL. And the cost.......$3,995.
So, we decided to go ahead and audition. Why not? We drove all the way out here. Maybe "God is opening doors" as Ms. Carey Arban seems to truly believe. We also got to cut in line because of Kayleigh's age. She auditions by reading a script, which she only practiced three times and of course she aced it. You all know her facial expressions. Due to the inability to bring cameras or videos in the audition, I will post a replica of what she did. She also had to walk on a small stage and she walked it for sure!! The coach who auditioned her exclaimed that she was precious. It made my week!! I will video her doing the same walk at a later blog.
It was then my turn for auditioning my voice. I wait in line, even though I could have cut because of Kayleigh, because I really wanted to talk to other people auditioning, staff members, and current AMTC graduates. Out of the three graduates I talked to, no one got a callback.
And one girl was thinking of spending more money to go again. And with tears in her eyes she was almost trying to convince herself that it would be a good thing. She admits she had an amazing time, which I am sure it was, however you could tell she was wrestling with her dream due to finances. She did, however, get a scholarship to New York, but she can't go just yet. So, the teacher in me, goes into education mode, in which I softly, yes softly, remind her that she might want to go to school while she is waiting for her callbacks.
Some of the staff members mistakenly thought I was auditioning for modeling or acting, which I just smiled and said thank you. One staff member said she had to go through the AMTC school and convention, which remember, cost $3,995, to even be able to WORK for the company. She says she has been asked to model. She has been on a TV show, however she did not get paid for it. She confidently states that Kayleigh will definitely get a callback from AMTC to be enrolled int the school, and I should talk to Ms. Carey Arban about payment arrangements.
So I audition and tell Ms. Carey Arban about my job as a teacher, my love for my daughter, and I eventually sing, "When I look at you" by Miley Cyrus. Yes, by Miley. It is a song that reminds me of Kayleigh and we sing it together, so there! She tells me to walk because she wants to see my posture. She asks me to read a script. Whooopsie. I hadn't memorized one so I read it as if I were reading it to my class. She says I have good bone structure and she can tell I take care of myself, so I am the full package. I was a bit overwhelmed as I just wanted to see if I could get through an audition. Now, keep in mind, if you know me, I am assertive in wanting to KNOW the truth and in TELLING the truth. She tells me I had a STRONG audition! Well that's great but what does that mean?
Well for Kayleigh and I both, we were given a brochure of what would be included in the "AMTC Package" and IF and only IF we were given a callback the next day, we would then REGISTER with a $500 deposit EACH to save a spot for the AMTC convention and training. I politely tell Ms. Carey Arban that I will not have the money by tomorrow and really don't want to waste any one's time. Period. And the other woman in the room reminds me things will happen in God's timing and then gently sends us on our way...
So last night, I wrestled with this dilemma. As I really believe God opens doors and opportunities, I also believe we have to be practical about it. I researched AMTC and they have an A+ report through BBB, however, how can they not? They don't promise you anything. If you make it to an agency and get signed, it is a "God incident", and if you don't, it is not in HIS timing. How can you really argue with that?
Now on a personal note. I really do believe God wants me to sing and He has told me so. I believe He as a plan for my life right now that I cannot even fathom. I also believe each and every one of us possess talents that God wants us to use, not only to glorify Him, but also to reach others through our talents. And unfortunately I have been ignoring that part of my life out of fear or, distractions.
Lately, I have been scuffling with faith and sometimes it hasn't been very pretty when I am in physical or mental anguish, and I am ashamed to mention the anger I have had towards God for EVERYTHING coming down on me at once. Lately, I have needed more signs then normal as I am immature in my faith sometimes and need more proof. And though I don't deserve it AT ALL, he shows me through people, articles, Scripture, daily devotional emails, or my Beth Moore Jesus Log.
DON'T LOSE ME HERE. This is an example of my proof. So last night, I talked with someone in the modeling industry and she gave me great advice. Momma gave me an article with the theme, "Having faith during trials and tribulations is more influential then having faith when all is going well. It is easy to talk about faith when all is well but it is perseverance when all is conflicted." My daily Jesus Log, day 12, asks the following questions, "When was the last time you received an answer from the Lord that seemed this FAR above your ability to understand it? What do you do with answers from His Word that either seem not to make sense or seem impossible to emulate? Then my prayer log reminds me to "not be allured by the light of any other false attraction"....My Christian Women daily email this morning was about Gideon needing proof from God in battle and the main point was, "God picks people to lead who can't see why they were picked at the start." And finally, Church today was about building our character by reinventing our legacy by seeking God, reading Scripture, and surrounding ourselves with godly people.
So, ummmm, do you think God is trying to tell me something? Do you think He could really be talking to me? I would think so. No. I know so.