Many people do not understand how pain can affect someone in all aspects of one's life.
According to Mayo Clinic, "recurring pain can lead to depression, irritability, anger, or a feeling of helplessness." Many people are suffering today. And today, right now, they need Love.
I didn't understand the affects of recurring pain until my "endometriosis" took control over me and my body, while I began to deal with chronic pain in my lower left abdomen and left lower back. As the months went by, my pain increased in severity and frequency. Many times I would have to leave in the middle of my class and lie down in the nurses office or just go home. Being a single mom, this proved to be even more daunting in that it made house cleaning, traveling, or simply going out to the park for an hour very difficult. And let's just say my patience level was like the funny quote in my classroom which states, "My patience is hanging by a...whooopsie...there it goes.." :)
I had two CT Scans a couple of years ago to only find that I had eight kidney stones. So, I thought this was the problem, but the pain was persistent and would come and go. Endometriosis was suspected but wasn't taken too seriously by the doctors, as endometriosis can only truly be diagnosed by what I am doing tomorrow. For more information on endometriosis you can click on the following link.
In the last month, after consulting four different doctors, one trip to the ER, CT scan, X-ray with an IV, and a sonogram, five different medications, five pounds less in two weeks (which I didn't mind THAT problem, though my nurse wasn't too happy), I am finally having surgery tomorrow. I had wanted this surgery all along, but they needed me to eliminate all other possibilities first. Probably for insurance purposes.
My advice to others, and a reminder to myself, is we need to be patient with our loved ones when they are going through pain. And not just with our loved ones, but with strangers, in that we have NO idea what they are going through. Because while I had to visit numerous doctors and attend work related staff development workshops, I also had to move out of my house due to flooding, and adding salt to wounds, a very significant person in my life rejected his need for me in his life. So, when we get frustrated with someone, we need to remember the possibility of unseen trials and tribulations that might be consuming them.
I cannot begin to tell you how this experience debilitated me physically. I tried to take care of others, but I didn't take care of myself. I hold a lot of hearts and minds in the palm of my hand, in that people look up to me and watch how I handle stress, so I must keep God close to me during these difficult times, so I can practice what I preach. We MUST take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others.
Now of course the MESS became my MESSAGE. Thankfully, my pain eventually went away and my health is normal. Because of moving, I was able to spend more time with my beloved family. And rejection was God's protection. I learned the hard way the importance of taking care of myself, but I am blessed because I am physically and spiritually stronger, which is EXACTLY what God wants for me. For you. For us to experience spiritual growth during blessings and trials. I am becoming physically stronger by eating healthier and training for triathlons, which eliminates stress in my mind and in my body. And spiritually, I am reminded of the need to be patient with others. I can only maintain patience through love and the love of Jesus.
Now of course the MESS became my MESSAGE. Thankfully, my pain eventually went away and my health is normal. Because of moving, I was able to spend more time with my beloved family. And rejection was God's protection. I learned the hard way the importance of taking care of myself, but I am blessed because I am physically and spiritually stronger, which is EXACTLY what God wants for me. For you. For us to experience spiritual growth during blessings and trials. I am becoming physically stronger by eating healthier and training for triathlons, which eliminates stress in my mind and in my body. And spiritually, I am reminded of the need to be patient with others. I can only maintain patience through love and the love of Jesus.
So, I guess all I am asking is for is you to love me. Love others. Because God is Love. And He loves you.
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